Thursday, May 17, 2012

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Wow, Absence; you really do make the heart grow fonder.

It has been an abysmally long time since I last posted.  I took a new job 10 weeks ago today; and have been beyond busy but I am feeling more like my beLOVEd self again. : ) And tonight I am feeling especially fond...of YOU!!  Guys, I reeeally miss the blog and working on beLOVEd!! So tonight is about onward and upward, and catching you up to speed...

Let's see...what do I have to report for the past two+ months?  I took a job which has consumed my life :)  but beyond that...

  • I got bronchoitis
  • I got an iPhone!  Yep, I broke up with Blackberry; and got an iPhone...  I have been threatening to move to iPhone for what feels like years!!  I have been a BlackBerry customer for nearly two decades!  I struggled to accept the lack of buttons on the iPhone. ...the new job gave me an iPhone; and that just sealed the deal. I cannot believe I lived in BlackBerry Hell for so long!!  Live and learn.
  • I healed from bronchitis
  • I danced
  • I spent time with old friends
  • I made new friends
  • I danced
  • I fell in love with Magic City, a new series on STARZ (<-- check it out if you haven't seen it!)
  • I shopped - A LOT
  • I fell and scraped my knee.  Literally.  It was a "had to be there moment" that will go down as one of my more humorously embarrassing moments. Ripped jeans and a bloody knee did not keep me down from dancing the night away! : )
  • I planned a vacation with the girls to Barbados; we leave a week from today. This will be my third consecutive trip to Barbados over memorial day...heaven awaits!
So there you have it.  The list seems somehow unimpressive when written out! Should a TV show on STARZ have a bullet point of it's own??   It's a really good show, so probably. LOL

And on that note, I will sign off for the night...


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