Friday, September 30, 2011

No-heat hair curling: the sock method

I'm trying out a new no-heat hair curling method today called the Sock Method. I tried this method the other day, but I didn't like how the ends turned out; they were more "kinked" than they were "curled" {although I'm thinking it was mostly user error :}. So I'm trying it again today...

And if nothing else it's kind of a cute way to pull up the hair for a twist on a "professional" hairstyle. {DC is a pretty conservative working city, so for many {incl yours truly} that generally means the fun, funkier hairsyles are reserved for after hours and weekends.}

I'll report back later with an update on the outcome of the curling powers of the sock method.

* Update: well, the sock method produced cute sassy curls for about two hours... and then the curls completely fell out.   I didn't get a chance to take any pictures since, by the time I was ready, my curls were pretty much all gone. So between the "hair halo" and the sock method, the "hair halo" has taken a strong lead in big-soft-curls department.  I'm have yet to try the sock method as an overnight hair curling method, but I will try tonight and report back tomorrow with an update {or pictures if it produces lasting curls}.

Sweet dreams!

*Title: This is not Miami by Sander Kleinenberg
Happy, happy, happy Friday, by beloved!!


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