Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What do you wake up to in the mornings?

Recently, I've been reallllly struggling to get out of bed in the mornings.  I generally go to bed at a decent hour and I sleep well, but lately, when the alarm on my phone goes off in the morning, it's just NOT doing the trick.    So I'm convinced I need a new wake-up song for my alarm...

Currently I wake up to How You Like Me Now? by The Heavy, which I totally fell in love with after the Kia Motors super bowl commercial.  I just love those puppets--especially that sock monkey!! (And actually I'm a little surprised I've had the song as my alarm for as long as I have... when did that air, like two superbowls ago!?)  Okay, so I really need something new!!  

What do you wake up to in the mornings? What gets you jumping out of bed to start the day?

Happy (sleepy) Tuesday!


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