Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year! What's up 2012?

Happy New Year, lovebots!!!

We did it!  We kicked that wretched 2011 to the curb and proudly rang in this glorious new year!  Welcome, 2012.  I have high hopes for you.  No pressure.

Well, this is my first post of the new year.  I've been having technical difficulties (which you know already if you follow me on facebook or twitter ...wink wink). Fingers crossed it can be fixed this weekend.

Over the new year I spent a week in London visiting close friends, which was a-mazing.  It was so nice to have girl time, drinking wine in the afternoons, shopping, catching up, laughing and reminiscing.  Quality girl time is like nothing else!  If only the Mac was behaving, I would have include some the few pictures I managed to take.

How does everyone feel about 2012 so far?  It's only the 11th and the first of the year seems so long ago.  Is it just me??

I invite you to leave a comment below. :)


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