Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 6: dinner #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 6: dinner...does this count?

Allow me to introduce one of my favorite fast meals... Morning Star Chick'n Nuggets with Jack Daniel's bbq sauce.  No doubt MANY of you will find the idea of these repulsive, but let me tell you...they are actually delicious; and, IMO, they taste so much like real chicken nuggets it's kind of ridiculous. (I've been a pescetarian since 1999 so maybe my gauge is maybe a little off :) )

I like how this picture turned out. A lot, actually. My phone is a blackberry* so my camera options are very limited. But I played around with the camera settings and took this shot using the "text" setting - which made those little nuggets so detailed and sharp.  The plate is now empty and looking at this picture really makes me want to fire up some more!

* Sometimes I'm feel like I am the last person on earth not to have made the switch from Blackberry to iPhone, but I assure you the time is coming...soon!

Stay tuned...some of the upcoming photo challenges seem pretty fun! 

Follow my #febphotoaday on twitter & Facebook


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