Thursday, May 17, 2012

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Wow, Absence; you really do make the heart grow fonder.

It has been an abysmally long time since I last posted.  I took a new job 10 weeks ago today; and have been beyond busy but I am feeling more like my beLOVEd self again. : ) And tonight I am feeling especially fond...of YOU!!  Guys, I reeeally miss the blog and working on beLOVEd!! So tonight is about onward and upward, and catching you up to speed...

Let's see...what do I have to report for the past two+ months?  I took a job which has consumed my life :)  but beyond that...

  • I got bronchoitis
  • I got an iPhone!  Yep, I broke up with Blackberry; and got an iPhone...  I have been threatening to move to iPhone for what feels like years!!  I have been a BlackBerry customer for nearly two decades!  I struggled to accept the lack of buttons on the iPhone. ...the new job gave me an iPhone; and that just sealed the deal. I cannot believe I lived in BlackBerry Hell for so long!!  Live and learn.
  • I healed from bronchitis
  • I danced
  • I spent time with old friends
  • I made new friends
  • I danced
  • I fell in love with Magic City, a new series on STARZ (<-- check it out if you haven't seen it!)
  • I shopped - A LOT
  • I fell and scraped my knee.  Literally.  It was a "had to be there moment" that will go down as one of my more humorously embarrassing moments. Ripped jeans and a bloody knee did not keep me down from dancing the night away! : )
  • I planned a vacation with the girls to Barbados; we leave a week from today. This will be my third consecutive trip to Barbados over memorial day...heaven awaits!
So there you have it.  The list seems somehow unimpressive when written out! Should a TV show on STARZ have a bullet point of it's own??   It's a really good show, so probably. LOL

And on that note, I will sign off for the night...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 27: something I ate #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge:
Day 27: something I ate

Pumpkin Spice muffin and soy latte from Firehook Bakery. Mmmm good :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 14: heart #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 14: heart

I wear this little heart on my "sleeve" every day.  It's a tattoo--and I love it. I will probably have it redone just a tad bigger when I go to get my next (much bigger) one but I do love this little guy so much!

Happy {belated} Valentine's Day :)

Day 10: self-portrait #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 10: self-portrait

I am the QUEEN of self-portraits so this was an easy one for me. I have LOTS to choose from :)

So I am skipping around now in this challenge.  It's rather lazy of me, actually, because the days I'm skipping are the days where the photos are especially challenging (to me).  Who knows, maybe I will get back on track and fill in the missing days...

Who else is participating??  Send me a link to your challenge in the comments box. I could use the inspiration!

Day 8: sun #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 8: sun

Afternoon sun from my office window...

I would suggest where else you could follow my #febphotoaday challenge except that I am sooo behind :(

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 6: dinner #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 6: dinner...does this count?

Allow me to introduce one of my favorite fast meals... Morning Star Chick'n Nuggets with Jack Daniel's bbq sauce.  No doubt MANY of you will find the idea of these repulsive, but let me tell you...they are actually delicious; and, IMO, they taste so much like real chicken nuggets it's kind of ridiculous. (I've been a pescetarian since 1999 so maybe my gauge is maybe a little off :) )

I like how this picture turned out. A lot, actually. My phone is a blackberry* so my camera options are very limited. But I played around with the camera settings and took this shot using the "text" setting - which made those little nuggets so detailed and sharp.  The plate is now empty and looking at this picture really makes me want to fire up some more!

* Sometimes I'm feel like I am the last person on earth not to have made the switch from Blackberry to iPhone, but I assure you the time is coming...soon!

Stay tuned...some of the upcoming photo challenges seem pretty fun! 

Follow my #febphotoaday on twitter & Facebook

Day 7: button #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 7: button

"DON'T PANIC!"  I. Love. This. Button. It lives on the cork board (next to my favorite fortune) in my home office.  In it's own humble way, it has "talked me off the ledge" countless times... so it's earned its keep in such a place of prominence. It's a vintage #FedEx button--which I've had it since at least 1998.

For now I've skipped Day 6, which is dinner... but I shall get there in due time...

Follow my #febphotoaday challenge on twitter and Facebook...

Day 5: 10am #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 5: 10am

Well, I am about 2 days behind schedule on the #febphotoaday challenge.  Posting up a photo each day is actually a lot more difficult that I thought it woudl be!  Especially since the subjects might not be what I would choose; but that is precisely why they call it a "challenge", right? 

So this is my 10am from today - a big giant pot of coffee. I was literally standing, and waiting, and watching the coffee brew, while catching up on the ever-so-important coffee warnings.  I found them highly entertaining, if not a little derisive...  Pipe down, Mr. coffee pot!

Follow my #febphotoaday challenge on twitter and Facebook...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 4: stranger(s) #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 4: stranger(s)

It took me a while to get a stranger(s) shot I liked enough to post, but I'm glad I held out...I kind of love all the activity in this shot!

Follow my #febphotoaday challenge on twitter and Facebook...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 3: hands #febphotoaday

February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 3: hands

This one's mine... during my morning commute. 

I'm clutching the latest issue of HBR. It felt apropos to include it in the shot since I have not been able to put it down for the past five days. The cover story "The Value of Happiness--How Employee Well-Being Drives Profits" initially drew me to purchase, but every article so far has been completely captivating and thought provoking... For all my HR colleagues out there it is a must read!

The gold ring pictured, by the way, was featured in an earlier blog post from last November (here).  I originally believed the ring belonged to my birth-mother; but I learned over this past Thanksgiving that it actually belonged to my great-grandmother! Soooo cool.

And now I'm back on schedule...follow my #febphotoaday challenge on twitter and Facebook...

Day 2: words #febphotoaday


February Photo A Day Challenge
Day 2: Words

This print hangs on the wall in the center of my closet. It's my daily dose of motivation to get things started and charge the day forward with awesomeness! I should have mounted it to the ceiling over my bed so it's the first thing I see in the morning... (I love how this photo turned out a little fuzzy/grainy... precisely how I felt this morning.)

Follow the #febphotoaday challenge on twitter and Facebook...

I have another print, by the same artist (Heartfish Press), which sits on the desk in my home "office" (below). It's the last thing I see when I leave the house and the first when I arrive home each day. It embodies my view of life; and I absolutely love it!
Prints by Heartfish Press; Urchin Object by Dwell Studio; Giraffe Planter by Crazy Couture by Lucas Michael


Thursday, February 2, 2012

February Photo A Day Challenge

Today I came across the feeds for the February Photo A Day Challenge by Fat Mum Slim.  YES!!!  I LOVE this challenge...  I'm a day behind so in the next day or two I'll publish a twofer.

Day 1: your view today....from my commute home.

Follow the challenge on twitter and Facebook...

Click here to enter your #febphotoaday challenge on @fatmumslim's page

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year! What's up 2012?

Happy New Year, lovebots!!!

We did it!  We kicked that wretched 2011 to the curb and proudly rang in this glorious new year!  Welcome, 2012.  I have high hopes for you.  No pressure.

Well, this is my first post of the new year.  I've been having technical difficulties (which you know already if you follow me on facebook or twitter ...wink wink). Fingers crossed it can be fixed this weekend.

Over the new year I spent a week in London visiting close friends, which was a-mazing.  It was so nice to have girl time, drinking wine in the afternoons, shopping, catching up, laughing and reminiscing.  Quality girl time is like nothing else!  If only the Mac was behaving, I would have include some the few pictures I managed to take.

How does everyone feel about 2012 so far?  It's only the 11th and the first of the year seems so long ago.  Is it just me??

I invite you to leave a comment below. :)


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